Nebulized Silver Hydrosol
Silver has been used since long before the creation of antimicrobial medicines like antibiotics, antivirals and antifungals. Some of its advantages are its effectiveness against a broad spectrum of bacteria, viruses and fungi, the inability of pathogens to develop resistance to it, and more recent research showing how silver hydrosols, like Argentyn 23, can support healing of the epithelial lining of our respiratory tissues and skin. One of the advantages of a silver hydrosol over colloidal silver is how well the silver is dissolved in solution. Many colloidal silvers have large, undissolved chunks of silver, salts and impurities as seen under a microscope. Argentyn 23 silver hydrosol is completely dissolved into the finest particles in solution, giving it greater bioavailability to our tissues, better tolerability, and the least potential for any undesirable effects. Argentyn 23 comes in a topical first aid gel, a fine mist nasal spray, and can be nebulized directly into the lungs and sinuses to support recovery from respiratory infections, like the flu and common cold.